Thursday, April 30, 2009

This world is Racist

This world is Racist.
yes, it is.
For centuries, Human have fought themselves for food, sex,land etc.
whether it was Romans killing Jews, Hindus killing Budhist, Muslims killing Jews, Mulims killing indian subcontinent people, all was inspired by one ideology which is Racism.
In modern world Racism has taken many forms be it communalism, regionalism, racism based on language, gender, caste etc.

Now in the 21st century developed countries have raised to the occasion and working together to end any kind racism. don't you believe me ? ok. atleast they have tried to showcase themselves that they are not racist.
these countries called a global conference at Geneva to work together to end Racism.
But when Ahmedinejad addresses this conference, these developed countries showed their true color.
they could only do one thing that is to boycott it and they did it.
Neverthless, Hilarious Speech made by Iranian President was true to every word it had.
Israel killed so many palistineans just by giving the theory of Zionism which is height of racism.
Israel was helped by western powers which are controlled by zionists.
Israelies think that God has given them that Land and they have the right to live there.

everything that i wanted to say to this world is in this speech.
please enjoy!!!