Sunday, June 7, 2009

Recession Hurts!!!

Finally Recession has hit telecom companies and consequently their Vendors.
Each and every company is now looking for cost cutting which eventually is done through mass layoffs. I got to take work more seriously now.
Recession has started to show significant signs in life style of H1B visa holders(who happens to be my Friends).

they used to drink bottled water which they have stopped.
they used to have some weekend parties which are seldom to see.
they used to invite guys like me to dinner/lunch. Now i have to cook myself.
Some are trying to figure out their expenses in order to look for areas where they can save.
All are visting Walmart these days instead of other chain stores.

And more than anything they have become loyal and serious abut their work.
I can only hope that people like me remain unaffected by recession.

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